Why do I have baby teeth?

Keeping your baby teeth clean is important.

Keeping your baby teeth clean is important.

Baby teeth are necessary for the development of the jaw by keeping space available for adult teeth. So why don’t people simply grow adult teeth? Because an infant’s jaw isn’t large enough for the size and number of adult teeth.

Chewing helps the development of the jaw, while baby teeth can be regarded as place markers for the adult teeth. That’s why dentists emphasise the importance of maintaining healthy baby teeth. If a baby tooth is removed before nature dictates, the dental arch is altered, often causing adult teeth to be crowded.


  1. Baby teeth are often called ‘milk teeth’.
  2. Dentists call them ‘deciduous’ or ‘primary’ teeth.
  3. There are 20 primary teeth.
  4. There are 32 adult (permanent) teeth.
  5. According to Yahoo, the tooth fairy should leave about $4 for a tooth that falls out.

Short answer: Baby teeth give your jaw time to develop during childhood.

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