What causes an ice cream headache?

ice cream headache

Even Spock suffered from ice cream headaches.

An ice cream headache can be debilitating for the short amount of time that it lasts (that’s probably why it’s also known as brain freeze).

Technically known as sphenopalatine ganglioneuralgia, it is caused by a sudden coldness in the back of your mouth, usually related to scoffing down ice cream or a cold drink. The blood vessels in your palate (roof of your mouth) quickly constrict, and then dilate as you swallow.

The pain sensation occurs because a major nerve called the trigeminal interprets the process in your palate as pain.

Although ice cream headaches rarely last for more than 20 seconds, one immediate treatment is to press your tongue against the roof of your mouth so as to warm the area.

Short answer: An ice cream headache is caused by quickly eating or drinking something cold, as well as the way the trigeminal nerve processes the sudden temperature change.

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